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Edit Unstructured Data URI Tags ( Preview Feature)

Admins, users with ALL privileges for a URI, or users with ALTER privileges on the URI, can edit the tags assigned to the URI.

Note: Unstructured data URIs must have either a tag assigned to them or be assigned to a role. When you first register an unstructured data URI, you are required to specify a tag for the URI. After you have created a permission for the URI (assigned to an appropriate role) you can remove the tag you assigned during URI registration.

To modify the tags assigned to an unstructured data URI:

  1. Log into the Okera UI as a user with permissions to manage unstructured data.

  2. Select Data on the UI side menu to access the Data page.

  3. Select the Files tab to see a list of the unstructured data URIs registered with Okera.

  4. Locate and select the URI in the list that you want to edit.

  5. At the top of the Files page for the URI, select the icon in the Tags area. A tag edit box appears listing the tags currently assigned the URI.

  6. Add or remove tags in the tag edit box. Remove tags by selecting the x next to the tag name. Add additional tags by selecting them from the drop-down list.

  7. Select to save your changes.