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Tutorial: Obtaining SailPoint User Attributes in Okera ( Preview Feature)

The integration between SailPoint and Okera uses SailPoint cross-domain identity management (SCIM) APIs to pull and add enhanced user properties for Okera users. The properties pulled from SailPoint into Okera can be configured. After they are applied to the Okera users, the additional properties appear on the Users page in the Okera UI. These properties can then be used to configure access permissions in Okera.

A Python-based script, configured in Okera, passes the Okera usernames as parameters to the SailPoint APIs and fetches the requested properties. The properties to be fetched are configured in an Okera yaml file using JSONPath queries and attribute names that map to the SCIM API.

The following diagram depicts this workflow:

Okera-SailPoint Integration


The following prerequisites must be met before SailPoint integration can occur.

  • The script must be written in Python 3.9.5 or later.
  • Only SailPoint SCIM API (on IdentityIQ platform) 8.1 or later is supported.
  • Only Okera 2.10.0 or later is supported.
  • The users for whom you are obtaining SailPoint attributes must be preauthenticated in Okera.

Integration Steps

To integrate SailPoint with Okera, complete the following steps.

  1. Move the python script to the Okera EC2 instance folder: /home/ec2-user/sailpoint.

  2. Update the Okera configuration file. Make the following changes:

    • Add /home/ec2-user/sailpoint/ to the USER_ATTRIBUTES_SCRIPT configuration parameter. If the configuration parameter is not in Okera's configuration file, add it:

       USER_ATTRIBUTES_SCRIPT: /home/ec2-user/sailpoint/
    • Add the following SailPoint integration configuration parameters to Okera's yaml configuration file:

      SAILPOINT_SERVICE_HOST: <sailpoint-host-address> 
      SAILPOINT_SERVICE_PORT: <sailpoint-port-number> 
      AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "<region>"

      The secret key specified by the SAILPOINT_SERVICE_AWS_SECRET_URI configuration parameter should contain the username and password required to access the SailPoint host.

    Note: The current Okera-SailPoint integration only supports a single instance of IdentityIQ.

  3. Update the Okera cluster using the Okera Helm chart. See Update a Helm-Deployed Cluster.

  1. Test that the user attribute script correctly fetches user attribute data for the users available in your SailPoint application. Log in to Okera as a user available in SailPoint. The user attributes should be fetched and displayed on the Okera UI Home page.

    The following example shows Okera and SailPoint user yo.dawg's user attributes in Okera after the attributes were fetched from SailPoint.

    The following example shows Okera and SailPoint user yo.dawg's user attributes in Okera after the attributes were fetched from SailPoint.

    SailPoint properties in Okera

Updating the Python Script

The SailPoint user properties that can be exposed in Okera are described in the table below.

Key Description
username Returns the username of the requested user.
work_email Returns the work email of the user.
job_title Returns the job title of the user.
phone_number Returns the phone number of the user.
manager_name Returns the display name of the user's manager.
business_role Returns the business role name of the user.
it_role Returns the IT role name of the user.

Okera maps the attributes configured in the inline yaml file with attributes from the mapping in the Python script.

Here is sample mapping in the Python script.

      attribute_name: userName 
      jsonPath: ".userName"
      attribute_name: emails
      jsonPath: ".emails[?(@.type == 'work')].value" 
      attribute_name: jobTitle 
      jsonPath: ".jobTitle"
      attribute_name: phone 
      jsonPath: ".phone"
      attribute_name: manager 
      jsonPath: ".manager.displayName"
      attribute_name: roles
      jsonPath: ".roles[?(@.type == 'business')].display" 
      attribute_name: roles
      jsonPath: ".roles[?(@.type == 'it')].display"

The jsonPath specified in the Python mapping must be formatted as described here:

jsonPath Examples

In the following example, the emails attribute is a multivalued attribute. To filter the emails attribute by work type, specify jsonPath as jsonPath: ".emails[?(@.type == 'work')].value". To obtain the first JSON value, specify jsonPath as jsonPath: ".emails.[0].value".

"emails": [
            "type": "work", 
            "value": "", 
            "primary": true 
In the following example, the manager attribute is a key-value attribute. If we need the displayName, specify jsonPath as jsonPath: ".manager.displayName".

"manager": {
    "displayName": "Janet Washington",
    "value": "8a8080824df45873014df45bd000008f", 
    "$ref": " df45bd000008f"