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Okera Data Access Platform Integration

This documents describes how to use Okera Data Access Platform (ODAP) from a user's perspective. It describes how to configure those tools to use Okera.

Hadoop Ecosystem Tools (Spark, MapReduce, Hive, Presto)

Client Libraries

For all of the Hadoop ecosystem tools, it is required to include the Okera client libraries. These libraries leverage the analytic tool's pluggable interfaces to communicate and handle the communication and data exchange with the Okera servers. Depending on the analytics tool, this library can be provided in different ways. For example, it can be installed on a system wide class path, can be provided at the time the job is submitted (e.g. spark submit --jars) or bundled into the application (e.g. by including it with Maven).

Configuration Parameters

In addition to the library, we require a couple of configs to be set. We also expose various optional configs to fine tune the system behavior.

Note: When the configs are set in Spark, they are prefixed with spark.. For example, the config recordservice.kerberos.principal, when configured for Spark, should be spark.recordservice.kerberos.principal. This is true for all configs.

Required Parameters


This is always required and is a comma separated list of host:ports where the Okera Policy Engines (planners) are running.

Authentication Parameters


This is the principal of the Okera Policy Engine service to connect to. This is a 3 part principal: SERVICE_NAME/SERVICE_HOST@REALM, for example, okera/ This is required if the client is authenticating with Okera using Kerberos.


This is the token string for this user. Okera can be configured to accept multiple kinds of tokens but it is the same config for clients.

Note: If both token and principal are specified, the client will only authenticate using the token.

Tool Integration

HiveServer2/Beeline/Hive CLI

HiveServer2 (HS2) provides a service to run SQL.

The original hive shell ('hive') is also supported.

From the user's point of view, they simply connect to HS2 as always. HS2 in fact is not provided by Okera and clients talk to the same HS2 without directly interacting with Okera (HS2 is configured and integrated with Okera). Authentication works exactly as always.

Setting up the admin role quick start

These are quick start steps to set up the admin role which has full access to the server. The user running these commands needs to have admin to the Okera Catalog Services.

beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://<host:port of hs2>/default;principal=<hs2_principal>
beeline> CREATE ROLE admin_role;
beeline> GRANT ALL ON SERVER server1 TO ROLE admin_role;

Note: These steps assume a few things about your set up that are no different than typical HS2 requirements. The admin user or group that is granted must exist on the Unix system in both Okera and HS2.

Creating a dataset

In the next step, we will create an external dataset for data in Amazon S3.

beeline> create external table sample (s STRING) LOCATION 's3://okera/sample'
beeline> show tables;
beeline> select * from sample;

At this point we have added a dataset to Okera By default only the admin user/group has access to the dataset, which is now accessible to all the Okera integrated clients. Other users accessing this dataset should see the request fail.

Note: These steps also assumes that the Beeline client has access to this location. This, for example, involves IAM roles or AWS access keys to be set up if the data is in Amazon S3.

You may create a local cached dataset using "create table as select" statement. This data set (materialized view) is stored in the Amazon EMR local/shared HDFS. Note that this may need to be refreshed whenever the base dataset changes.

Creating a view and granting access to another role

Finally, we will create a view and grant access to the view to a different set of users. In this case we will create a view that only returns records which contain test.

beeline> CREATE ROLE test_role;

beeline> CREATE VIEW sample_view as SELECT * FROM sample WHERE s LIKE '%test%';
beeline> SHOW TABLES;
beeline> SELECT * FROM sample_view;

beeline> GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sample_view TO ROLE test_role;

At this point the admin group should see the full dataset and the test group should only see a subset of the records.

The remaining GRANT/REVOKE/DROP are supported and work identically to HS2.

Note: Updating permissions can take a few minutes to be reflected everywhere in the system as policies are cached.

Hive Query Rewrite Endpoint

A dedicated API endpoint, /api/v2/query/rewrite can be used for Okera's rewrites of Hive queries. POST is the only method provided with this endpoint. There are three parameters (one required):

  • The query parameter is a required string parameter and specifies the SQL query to be authorized and rewritten.

  • The cteRewrite parameter is an optional boolean parameter. It indicates whether common table expressions should be used in the rewrite. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.

  • The dialect parameter is an optional string parameter that specifies the dialect for the SQL query (in double quotes). Valid values are "BIG_QUERY", "HIVE", "IMPALA", "PRESTO", and "SNOWFLAKE". The default is "PRESTO".

For information about any Okera API endpoint, see the Okera API documentation, available after you log into the Web UI by appending /api/v2-docs/api/ after the web UI port number (8083). For example: https://my.okera.installation:8083/api/v2-docs/api/.

MapReduce Integration

The MapReduce integration is API compatible with the Cloudera open source RecordServiceClient. For details on those APIs, refer to those docs.

Running the MapReduce application is done as normal running;

hadoop jar <application.jar> [arguments]

The only required configuration is the location of the RecordService Policy Engine port. This can be configured either in the standard Hadoop config files (mapred-site.xml or yarn-site.xml) or from the environment (RECORD_SERVICE_PLANNER_HOST). In the config file, the name of the config is recordservice.planner.hostports. In either case, the value should be the host port of the Okera Policy Engine. If both are set, the file based config takes precedence.

In a typical end user use case, the config should have been populated by the cluster admin, typically in /etc/hadoop/conf. In this case, there is no configuration required by the end user. If the config is not set, the client will by default connect to localhost, likely resulting in connection errors.

Dependency Management

Libraries (jars) that your application depend on need to be available on all the nodes in the compute cluster. There are multiple resources on how to do this for Hadoop and we will summarize here. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Create a fat jar/shade the dependencies in your application. This means that when building the MapReduce application, you bundle all the dependencies and the application is self contained. An example is how the RecordService examples do this with [maven]

  2. Provide all the dependent jars when submitting the job with hadoop jar. This requires setting HADOOP_CLASSPATH to the jars (either folder or individual paths) and specifying --libjars and passing all the dependencies. Note that HADOOP_CLASSPATH is colon separated and libjars is comma separated.

As a complete example, assuming we are using the RecordServiceAvro client library. For option 1, we can simply just run the application as the dependencies have been handled as part of the build.

hadoop jar AvroApplication.jar <arguments>

For option 2, we need to:

# all jars are paths to the jar on the local (submitting machine) filesystem.
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=<recordservice-avro.jar>:<recordservice-avro-mr.jar>:<recordservice-core.jar>:<recordservice-mr.jar>
hadoop jar --libjars <recordservice-avro.jar>,<recordservice-avro-mr.jar>,<recordservice-core.jar>,<recordservice-mr.jar> AvroApplication.jar <arguments>

Pig Integration

The Pig Integration is very similar to the MapReduce integration. The API is also compatible with the open source client. Pig handles some of the dependency management automatically and the only required dependency jars is the recordservice-hcatalog-pid-adapter jar.


Pig configuration is identical to MapReduce. Refer to that section.

Hue Integration

Hue does not require any additional steps to work with Okera. Hue also connects to HiveServer2 and is integrated very similarly as Beeline.


If requests are failing with users not having privileges, ensure that the user exists. The user must exist on (as a Unix user):

  • Machine running HS2.
  • Okera catalog.

Impala Integration

Impala does not require any end user steps. After Impala is configured by the cluster admin, users can connect to Impala via the shell as normal.

Impala Query Rewrite Endpoint

A dedicated API endpoint, /api/v2/query/rewrite can be used for Okera's rewrites of Impala queries. POST is the only method provided with this endpoint. There are three parameters (one required):

  • The query parameter is a required string parameter and specifies the SQL query to be authorized and rewritten.

  • The cteRewrite parameter is an optional boolean parameter. It indicates whether common table expressions should be used in the rewrite. Valid values are true and false. The default is false.

  • The dialect parameter is an optional string parameter that specifies the dialect for the SQL query (in double quotes). Valid values are "BIG_QUERY", "HIVE", "IMPALA", "PRESTO", and "SNOWFLAKE". The default is "PRESTO".

For information about any Okera API endpoint, see the Okera API documentation, available after you log into the Web UI by appending /api/v2-docs/api/ after the web UI port number (8083). For example: https://my.okera.installation:8083/api/v2-docs/api/.

Spark Integration

Spark provides a few ways to integrate with Spark. Refer to the open source client documentation for details.


Spark can be configured to use an existing Hive Metastore to retrieve catalog metadata. If this is set up, you can retrieve metadata as with a typical Hive client (e.g. similar to Beeline). If configured, you can issues queries such as:

sqlContext.sql("SHOW TABLES").show()

Note: The SQL supported is not necessarily compatible with Beeline. This is more intended to retrieve catalog metadata and not recommended as a way to administrate access control policies (grant/revoke).


Spark requires a single configuration that is the host port of the Okera Policy Engine: spark.recordservice.planner.hostports. This should be set to a list of comma separated host:port where the Okera Policy Engines are running. This configuration can either be set system wide (typically /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf) or can be specified when launching spark-shell or spark-submit. For example, you can connect to a particular Okera Policy Engine with:

spark-shell --conf spark.recordservice.planner.hostports=IP:PORT
# or
spark-submit --conf spark.recordservice.hostports=IP:PORT <rest of args>

If using the HiveContext to directly interact with Hive Metastore, the Okera catalog configs will need to be set. This requires a configured hive client which is by default located in /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml. The configuration should be configured by the cluster admin as it can require various settings, particularly if kerberos is enabled. To spot check, the config hive.metastore.uris should be set to the Okera catalog.


Okera exposes a REST API that returns data as JSON. This API is only intended to read data, not to register datasets or update their policies.

The REST API simply exposes a HTTP endpoint. This endpoint is referenced in other documents as the Okera REST server endpoint. To read data, you can simply reach:

http://<hostport>/api/scan/<dataset name>
# you can optionally specify how many records with:

Continuing the above example with data registered via HiveServer2, we should see:

# read the entire dataset
curl <hostport>/api/scan/sample

# if running on a kerberized cluster, you will need to authenticate the curl

# request. this assumes you have local kerberos credentials (i.e. already ran kinit)
curl --negotiate -u : hostport/api/scan/sample

Note that this API, like the other Okera scan APIs, is intended to feed data into analytics tools. The analytics tools perform any final computation. For example, an aggregate query like select count(*) from nytaxi.parquet_data may return multiple rows with partial sums. Here, the client (Pandas/R/Presto etc.) would perform the final computation and return a single row. Other aggregate functions like min, max and sum are not supported.

Python Pandas Integration

Reading the data into a panda data frame is very simple with the REST API.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json('http://<hostport>/api/scan/<dataset>')

Advanced Configuration Parameters

Network Parameters

This configs are often not required and the defaults should suffice. These can be adjusted if the the client observes timeout behavior.


Optional configuration for the maximum number of attempts to retry RPCs with the Okera Policy Engine.


Optional configuration for the maximum number of attempts to retry RPCs with the Okera Enforcement Fleet worker.


Optional configuration for sleep between retry attempts with the Okera Policy Engine.


Optional configuration for sleep between retry attempts with the Okera Enforcement Fleet worker.


Optional configuration for timeout when initially connecting to the planner service.


Optional configuration for timeout when initially connecting to the worker service.


Optional configuration for timeout for the Okera Policy Engine RPCs (after connection is established).


Optional configuration for timeout for the Okera Enforcement Fleet worker RPCs (after connection is established).

Performance Parameters

These settings can fine tune the performance behavior. It is generally not needed to set these as the server will compute a good value automatically.


Optional configuration option for performance tuning that configures the max number of records returned when fetching results from the Okera Enforcement Fleet workers.


Optional configuration for the hinted maximum number of tasks to generate per plan request.