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Assign Tags

To assign tags to objects in Okera, you must have:

  • ALL or ADD_ATTRIBUTE and REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE privilege for the data to which you want to assign tags.
  • ALL or ADD_ATTRIBUTE privilege on the ATTRIBUTE NAMESPACE from which you want to select tags to be assigned.

Using the UI

You can assign tags to a database, a dataset, or a dataset column.

Assign or Edit Database Tags

To assign a tag to a database using the UI:

  1. Select Data on the UI side menu and then select the database you want to tag from the database list.

  2. Select the icon underneath the name and description of the database.

    Edit database tags

    An input field appears with a drop-down list of available tags.

  3. Search for and select the tag in the drop-down list that you want to assign the database.

    Assign a tag to a database

    You can also remove assigned tags by selecting the "x" next to the tag name in the input field.

  4. Select to save your tag selections when you have finished assigning tags to the database.

Tags assigned to a database display in the list of databases and at the top of the details page for the database.

Tags assigned to a dataset apply to all datasets in the database and all columns in its datasets. See Understanding Tag Inheritance.

Assign or Edit Dataset Tags

To assign a tag to a dataset using the UI:

  1. Select Data on the UI side menu, select the database containing the dataset you want to tag, and then select the dataset from the dataset list.

  2. Select the icon underneath the name and description of the dataset.

    Edit dataset tags

    An input field appears with a drop-down list of available tags.

  3. Search for and select the tag in the drop-down list that you want to assign the dataset.

    Assign a tag to a dataset

    You can also remove assigned tags by selecting the "x" next to the tag name in the input field.

  4. Select to save your tag selections when you have finished assigning tags to the dataset.

Tags assigned to a dataset display in the list of datasets for the database, at the top of the details page for the dataset, and on the Details tab for the dataset.

Tags assigned to a dataset apply to all columns in the dataset. See Understanding Tag Inheritance.

Assign Dataset Column Tags

To assign a tag to a specific dataset column:

  1. Select Data on the UI side menu, select the database containing the dataset you want to tag, select the dataset from the dataset list, and then select the Schema tab on the dataset details page.

  2. Locate the column in the schema to which you want to add tags and select in the Tags column.

    Note: Tags cannot be assigned to partitioned columns or to nested fields of complex types.

    Edit the tags of a dataset column

    An input field appears with a drop-down list of available tags.

  3. Search for and select the tag in the drop-down list that you want to assign the column.

    Tag assigned to a dataset column

    You can also remove assigned tags by selecting the "x" next to the tag name in the input field.

  4. Select to save your tag selections when you have finished assigning tags to a column.

Tags assigned to a column display in the schema for a dataset as well as on the Details tab for the dataset.

Edit Assigned Column Tags Using the UI

To edit the tags assigned to a dataset column using the UI, select the in the Tags column on the Schema tab.

Assign a tag to a dataset column edit

Remove Assigned Tags

To remove tags assigned to a database, dataset, or dataset column, edit the database, dataset, or column tags (as described above) and select the "x" associated with the tag in the input field. Be sure to save the tags for the database, dataset, or column when you are done.

Using DDL

Create a Table With a Tag

    id BIGINT,
    name STRING
ATTRIBUTE <namespace.tag>

Create a View With a Tag

CREATE VIEW sales.shipped_orders AS
FROM sales.transactions
WHERE status = 'Shipped'
ATTRIBUTE <namespace.tag>

Any tags set at the time a view is created are in addition to those that are inherited.

Assign a Tag to a Database


Assign a Tag to a Table (Dataset) or View

ALTER TABLE|VIEW cerebro.sample ADD|DROP ATTRIBUTE <namespace.tag>;

Assign a Tag to a Dataset Column

ALTER TABLE|VIEW <dataset_name> ADD|DROP COLUMN ATTRIBUTE <column_name> <namespace.tag>;

Review Assigned Tags

Admins can view assigned tags as part of the metadata by running describe database <database_name> or describe formatted <dataset_name>.