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Register Unstructured Data URIs ( Preview Feature)

To register unstructured data to Okera in the UI, complete these steps:

  1. Log into the Okera UI as a user with permissions to register unstructured data.

  2. Select Data on the UI side menu to access the Data page.

  3. Select the Files tab to see a list of the unstructured data URIs registered with Okera.

  4. Select the button on the Files tab. The Register URI dialog appears.

    Register URI dialog

  5. Type the fully qualified URI for the unstructured data file or library in the URI Path box.

  6. Select a tag to apply to the URI you are registering. At least one tag is required. You can edit the tags applied to a URI and after a permission has been created for the URi and assigned to a role, you can remove the tag altogether.

  7. Select the button on the Register URI dialog. The URI is registered in Okera.