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List Crawlers

To list the crawlers defined for your Okera cluster in the Okera UI, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the Okera UI as a user with permissions to list crawlers. See Who Has Access to Crawlers.

  2. Select Registration in the Okera side menu to access the Registration page. The defined crawlers are listed. Read Filter and Search for a Crawler for more information about limiting the list.

Select a crawler in the list to see the information about the registered and unregistered datasets it discovered. From this list you can:

  • View the SQL for a dataset (for datasets on the Unregistered Datasets tab only). Select . You can copy the SQL while viewing it.
  • Preview the dataset. Select .
  • Register the dataset (for datasets on the Unregistered Datasets tab only). Select .

Select a dataset to see the schema and details for the dataset on the dataset page. If you have the correct permissions, you can perform the following actions on the Schema tab for a dataset:

  • Change the dataset name. Select the icon to the right of the name.
  • Change the column data types. Select the icon to the right of the data type.
  • Rename the columns (for object storage datasets only). Select the icon to the right of the column name.
  • Add and remove dataset and column tags. Select the icon or to the right of the Tag field.
  • Add, change, or delete the dataset description and column comments. Select the icon to the right of these fields.
  • Preview the dataset. Select .

Note: The maximum length of dataset (table) names allowed in Okera is 64 characters. The maximum length of column names allowed in Okera is 128 characters.

You can rerun and delete crawlers. See Rerun a Crawler and Delete a Crawler.