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Okera Version 2.5 Release Notes

This topic provides Release Notes for all 2.5 versions of Okera.

2.5.10 (1/10/2022)

This release contains an additional upgrade of log4j to resolve additional instances of the Log4Shell vulnerability.

2.5.9 (12/20/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • This release contains an additional upgrade of log4j to resolve additional instances of the Log4Shell vulnerability.

Notable and Incompatible changes

  • In past versions, Okera's operational logs did not use a partitioning scheme when uploading. This made it hard to locate the logs you needed and, in some environments, increased the time to list the log files. With this release, a new configuration option, WATCHER_LOG_PARTITIONED_UPLOADS has been added to the configuration file to enable partitioned log uploads. Valid values are true and false. When enabled (true), operational log files will use the ymd=YMD/h=H/component=C partitioning scheme for operational log file uploads. By default, this setting is disabled (false) so older clusters are not affected. However, in a future version of Okera, it will be enabled by default, so Okera recommends that users adopt this in new deployments.

2.5.8 (12/13/2021)

This release contains an upgrade of log4j to resolve the Log4Shell vulnerability.

2.5.7 (09/03/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue when using Symlink tables where the manifest file contained s3a://... URIs instead of s3://... URIs.

2.5.6 (07/19/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue when using transparent query pushdown for queries that utilize CTEs within inline views.
  • Fixed an issue when using transparent query pushdown for queries that have mixed casing.
  • Added support for specifying a default database in the connection session when using transparent query pushdown.

2.5.5 (07/08/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue when dropping partitions using the Hive/Spark client library.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some errors in the UI from being displayed on the Databases page.

Notable and Incompatible Changes

  • This release contains an upgrade of the Alpine base image from 3.13 to 3.14, which upgrades the embedded Python from 3.8.x to 3.9.x (to address a Python CVE).

2.5.4 (07/05/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved rendering performance in the Okera Workspace when rendering large tables.

Notable and Incompatible Changes

  • This release contains an upgrade of the Alpine base image from 3.12 to 3.13 (and 2.5.5 will include an upgrade to Alpine 3.14), to address a Python CVE.

2.5.3 (06/18/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue when creating a crawler and using the "Dataset files are not in separate directories" option.
  • Fixed an issue when dropping a partitioned table and using mixed casing for the database name.
  • Fixed an issue when cascading tags on nested parts of complex columns to child views when multiple tags are present.
  • Fixed an issue that can occur with MySQL 5.7 as the backing database.

2.5.2 (05/13/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with logging into Okera when another cookie is present on the domain (e.g., when using a SAML provider).

2.5.1 (05/05/2021)

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Added the ability to control the partition split optimization threshold from Hive/Spark using the recordservice.planner.partition-split-threshold parameter.
  • Fixed an issue when rewriting in_set(needle, haystack) when the haystack was NULL.
  • Improved the performance of symlink tables (e.g., Delta and Hudi).
  • Fixed handling of SQL comments in Workspace.
  • Added support for BINARY datatype for ORC files.
  • Fixed an issue when using MySQL 8 or higher as the backing database.
  • Fixed an issue when updating view lineage.
  • Fixed an issue when dropping some ABAC grants created in prior versions of Okera.
  • Fixed an issue where error messages would not be cleared when re-running a data registration crawler.
  • Improved performance of loading table metadata when many attributes are present.
  • Fixed an issue when initiating a SAML login from the IdP.
  • Improved handling of quoted values in in_set rewrite.
  • Improved Okera cookie security by setting it to httpOnly.
  • Fixed an issue when using multiple Snowflake warehouses in the same Snowflake account in the same Okera deployment.

Notable and Incompatible Changes

The Okera UI has changed its cookie to use httpOnly and is now managed by the server. This approach improves security as no JavaScript code will be able to access information stored in the cookie.

Due to this, downgrading from 2.5.1 to 2.5.0, or to any prior version of Okera, in the same cluster will cause a UI login failure since the cookies are not compatible. To resolve this, you can clear all storage for the site, including cookies.

Snowflake Case-Insensitive Identifiers

By default, Okera will now set QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS_IGNORE_CASE to true when communicating with Snowflake, treating all identifiers as case-insensitive. This behavior can be disabled by setting the OKERA_JDBC_CONNECTION_SNOWFLAKE_CASE_INSENSITIVE_COLUMNS configuration parameter to false.

2.5.0 (03/03/2021)

New Features

New Data Source Connections Experience

New UI experience to easily create connections to data sources. Read more on Connections.

Data registration now supports creating crawlers on any connection source (such as JDBC-backed data sources), not just object storage. Read more on Crawlers.

UI Connections page

New Access Levels and Scopes for Data Management Delegation

Okera can now be used to grant granular permissions to delegate access to role, crawler and data connection creation and management. As part of this, the ROLE, CRAWLER and DATACONNECTION object scopes have been added to the permissions model. These new access levels and scopes are now available in the UI Policy Builder. In addition, grants on URI are now also available in the Policy Builder.

These changes impact who can see the Roles page, the Registration page, and the Connections page in the UI. Click for more information on Access Delegation and for the full set of Access Levels available.

Access levels in policy builder

Dremio Integration (Beta)

Dremio is now a supported JDBC data source type, and you can read more about configuring it here.

User Attributes Improvements

A user's attribute values are now visible to that user from the homepage, including the user attribute source that provided them (e.g., ldap).

It is also now possible to configure a script (or multiple scripts) to source user attributes, which is useful if they need to be sourced from a bespoke location such as a custom REST API or storage.

To enable this, set the USER_ATTRIBUTES_SCRIPT configuration setting to a path where the script is available (or comma-separated paths), e.g., on Amazon S3 or a local file, and okctl will ensure those scripts are available inside the running pod. Alternatively, if you are not using okctl, ensure that the value is set to a path (or comma-separated paths) that are available inside the container.

You can read more about user attributes here, and specifically about using custom scripts for sourcing them here.

ORC Format Support

Added support for the ORC file format, allowing to register and query data for files using this format.

Note: When you use the data registration experience to crawl for data in object storage, ORC data will not be automatically discovered. This will be added in a future release.

Easier Diagnostics Collection

Added the ability to use the EXECUTE DIAGNOSTICS DDL to automatically collect logs and other diagnostics to an Amazon S3 path.

The command will return immediately with the location the diagnostics are being written to, and they will be collected in the background.

By default, these diagnostics will be uploaded to a write-only Okera-owned bucket, okera-diagnostics, but this can be overridden:

  1. On a per invocation basis using EXECUTE DIAGNOSTICS LOCATION 's3://...'.
  2. By setting the DIAGNOSTICS_COLLECTION_DEFAULT_LOCATION configuration setting to a desired value (e.g., s3://company-okera-diags/).

Note: Only administrators can run the EXECUTE DIAGNOSTICS command.

Improvements to okctl

  • Added the ability to see the token claims using okctl tokens describe <token>, where <token> is the name of the token file (in the .auth folder by default).
  • Added the ability to refresh a token using okctl tokens refresh <token>, where <token> is the name of the token file (in the .auth folder by default). This will use the generated private key for refreshing, while preserving the groups in the token.
  • Added a --duration flag for the init, refresh and create sub-commands to control the duration that the token will be valid for. The default duration is one year.
  • Added the ability to disable specific validators (which may not be applicable to the environment) in the configuration YAML, by setting the validator to false:
      disk_space: true
      database: true
      ldap: true
      storage_read: true
      storage_write: true
      dns: true

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Added the ability to specify a list of groups during role creation in the Okera UI.
  • Added ability to add/remove multiple groups at the same time in the Okera UI.
  • Added the ability to filter the permissions table by role name in the Okera UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Policy Builder summary would scroll away in lower resolutions in the Okera UI.
  • Added ability to quarantine specific databases using the QUARANTINED_DATABASES configuration key, which can be set to a comma-separated list of database names.
  • Added ability to specify a list of groups to grant to when creating roles, using CREATE ROLE <role> WITH GROUPS group1 group2 ....
  • Added ability to specify more than one group when granting or revoking a role, using GRANT ROLE <role> TO GROUPS group1 group2 ... and REVOKE ROLE ... FROM GROUPS group1 group2 ....
  • Improved the default timeout for communication between the built-in PrestoDB and the rest of the Okera services.
  • Added ability to configure per-task and per-worker memory limit on nScale workers from various clients.
  • Fixed an issue when using CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ... LIKE TEXTFILE with a custom delimiter, where that delimiter would not be recognized for inferring the table schema.
  • Added the ability to specify a set of default delimiters to use when inferring schemas in TEXTFILE by setting the OKERA_DEFAULT_FIELD_TERMINATOR configuration setting to a list of characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the underlying connection to a JDBC-backed data source could leak in some cases when an exception happened.
  • Added ability to control the default fetch size for JDBC-backed data sources by setting the OKERA_JDBC_RECORDS_BATCH_MAX_CAPACITY configuration setting to the desired value.
  • Improved handling for data sources that do not support transparent query pushdown.
  • Performance improvements for planning and execution of queries against JDBC-backed data sources.
  • Fixed an issue when revoking a URI grant with a privilege level other than ALL.
  • Added the ability to enable LDAP/SAML/OAuth UI authentication at the same time if more than one of authentication mode is necessary.
  • Fixed an issue when fully unnesting a table that could cause column names that would exceed the metastore's limit of 128 characters. These columns are now auto-truncated to retain as much of the original name while fitting within the character limit. If a truncation is not possible, an error will be thrown.
  • Fixed an issue when doing transparent query pushdown where it would incorrectly use the cluster-external load balancer (e.g., ELB) rather than the cluster-local service.
  • Fixed an issue where a failed crawler would sometimes not report failure properly.
  • Added the ability to specify the default zstd compression level by adding --zstd_default_compression_level=<level> to RS_ARGS.
  • Fixed an issue in which creating JDBC-backed tables could fail with a permission error.
  • Fixed an issue in PyOkera where it would fail to properly parse the JWT if pyjwt was installed.
  • Fixed an issue in PyOkera where if both db and a filter were passed to list_datasets, it would incorrectly omit the db parameter.
  • Fixed an issue in the Okera UI where the "Use this dataset" sample text would not escape the database and table names.
  • Fixed an issue when using scan_as_pandas where it would incorrectly reset the row index for every batch.
  • Improved the behavior in PyOkera for refreshing the token when it is expired during a scan_as_json or scan_as_pandas invocation using the presto dialect.
  • Fixed an issue where the value of the JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION configuration setting would not always be used, instead using the default of 1 day expiration.
  • Improved memory accounting and dynamic batching when computing queries over large rows.
  • Improved performance of JWT signature validation.
  • Added the in_set(<needle>, <comma-separated haystack>) built-in function.
  • Fixed an issue where the generated SQL could be missing enclosing parentheses when containing multiple predicates.
  • Improved error handling when registering a set of tables using ALTER DB ... LOAD DEFINITIONS(). By default (and changed from prior releases), an error will not be fatal and will continue registering tables. The number of tables added/skipped/failed can be seen by looking at the okera.jdbc.tables-XXX properties on the database. To revert to the previous behavior of aborting on any error, set the configuration value of JDBC_LOAD_DEFINITION_ABORT_ON_ERROR to true, either globally or per database (using DBPROPERTIES).
  • Fixed an issue where the identifier quoting character for MySQL and PostgreSQL would not always be used when doing a query rewrite.
  • Fixed an issue where timestamps that were too low to be represented correctly would cause incorrect values to be returned - the data is now clamped to the start of the Gregorian calendar.
  • Improved handling of concurrent partition fetching for large partition counts.
  • Fixed an issue where Okera could fail to drop a partitioned table when the DROP TABLE DDL referenced the table in non-lowercase form.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a table without specifying a ROW FORMAT but that does specify an INPUTFORMAT, causing the specified INPUTFORMAT to be used by default for subsequent table creation when no ROW FORMAT is specified.
  • Fixed an issue where worker discovery could fail if one of the worker pods was stuck in Pending state.
  • Added the ability to specify the result limit for Presto mode queries as well in the Okera Workspace.
  • Fixed an issue when rendering complex types when running using the Presto mode queries in the Okera Workspace.
  • Fixed a bug where Policy Builder failed to properly update policies when there was a conflict.
  • Improved granularity of error reporting in Data Registration. There is now a distinction between an error during background crawling execution and an error regarding a specific table.
  • Added the ability to search for crawlers by their source in the Okera Data Registration UI.
  • Fixed a bug where crawler names that contained reserved characters were not being escaped.
  • Removed the /__api/log endpoint, which was used by the Okera UI to log errors.

Notable and Incompatible Changes

Data Connections

  • Connection names are now validated to only include allowed characters by default ([a-zA-z_0-9]+). You can disable this behavior by setting the OKERA_ENABLE_CONNECTION_NAME_VALIDATION setting to false.
  • The user and password parameters when creating connections via DDL have been renamed to user_key and password_key, to aid in understanding they do not store the credentials themselves but only the reference to them (e.g., in AWS Secrets Manager or a Kubernetes Secret).
  • In Okera 2.2.x and 2.3.x, when creating JDBC-backed data sources using a property file, Okera would implicitly create a data connection for it. This behavior is now disabled, as all new registration should happen using data connections. These automatically data connections cannot be used in the Data Registration flow and should ideally be replaced with explicitly created connections.


Several permission-related changes were made in this release. These are generally part of the new permission delegation capabilities, but the notable changes include:

  • To create a Crawler, a user now requires either the CREATE_CRAWLER_AS_OWNER or ALL privilege on the CATALOG scope.
  • To use a data connection when creating a table or database, the user must have the USE privilege on that data connection.
  • To grant access to an object that a user has WITH GRANT OPTION on, that user will also need MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the role they want to grant that permission to. To revert to the old behavior, set the ENABLE_LEGACY_GRANTABLE_ROLES configuration setting to true.
  • Starting in 2.5.0, access to the Okera Workspace will be granted to all users (it is granted by default to okera_public_role). If you wish to limit access to Workspace to specific users:

    1. Revoke access to Workspace by removing it okera_public_role. You can do this from the Roles UI or by running the DDL:
    REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE okera_system.ui_workspace from ROLE okera_public_role;
    1. Edit your cluster configuration to the value for GRANT_WORKSPACE_TO_PUBLIC_ROLE to false.

    You can then grant the okera_workspace_role to any specific groups or users that you want to have access to the workspace feature.

  • Starting in 2.5.0, access to the following pages is controlled by whether the user has access to the relevant object, as opposed to explicitly granting access to that page. Read more about this here:

    • Roles: access to the Roles page is now available if the user has permission to manage any ROLE object.
    • Tags: access to the Tags page is now available if the user has permission to manage any ATTRIBUTE NAMESPACE object.

Other Updates

  • Database, dataset, and catalog filters have been removed from the Roles page. Permissions now appear on their respective objects on the Data page.
  • If a user has two grants to the data, one which is on an entire scope (e.g., table/database/catalog) with no WHERE clause, and one which has a WHERE clause, the WHERE clause will no longer be added as the other grant provides full access.

SQL Keywords

The following terms are now keywords, starting in 2.5.0:

  • DENY