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RS_ARGS Options

Some configuration options can be specified in RS_ARGS. Some of them are described in the following table. Specify options separated by a space. When specified, each option begins with a double-dash (--).

Values Description
abort_on_error true
In 2.1.x and later versions, many data correctness issues fail queries, as opposed to silently ignoring them (for example, when converting data into NULL). To revert the behavior, add --abort_on_error to RS_ARGS.
allow_nl_in_csv true
Enables CSVs with embedded newlines within records that are enclosed within the quote separator. To enable such CSVs, specify --allow_nl_in_csv=true.
audit_request_query true
Enables or disables Spark query logging. See Enable Spark Query Logging for Databricks.
authorize_query_client_max_sessions integers from 1024 or higher Specifies the maximum number of query client sessions that Okera should maintain. The default for this parameter is 1024 client sessions.
batch_check integer Specifies the amount of cluster memory used for a query. When querying tables that have columns with very large values (e.g. 100KB), specify batch_check=64 (or another low number).
defer_signed_urls_initial_num_tasks integer Specifies the number of nScale tasks for which deferred URI signing is performed. The default is 64. Okera defers signing for either the number of tasks specified by defer_signed_urls_initial_num_tasks or for the percentage of tasks specified by defer_signed_urls_initial_percent_tasks, whichever is lower.
defer_signed_urls_initial_percent_tasks percentage Specifies the percentage of nScale tasks for which deferred signing should be performed. The default is 25%. Okera defers signing for either the number of tasks specified by defer_signed_urls_initial_num_tasks or for the percentage of tasks specified by defer_signed_urls_initial_percent_tasks, whichever is lower.
encryption_key_path path Specifies the path to the file containing the encryption and decryption key for nScale. See Configuration File Encryption Settings for nScale. There are no constraints on the size of this file (except that it cannot be empty). Okera uses SHA256 on the contents to get a 32-byte key (256-bit).
idle_query_timeout integer The time, in seconds, that a query may be idle ( no processing work is done and no updates are received from the client) before it is cancelled. If set to 0, idle queries never expire. The query option QUERY_TIMEOUT_S overrides this setting, but, if set, --idle_query_timeout represents the maximum allowable timeout.
idle_session_timeout integer The time, in seconds, that a session may be idle for before it is closed (and all running queries cancelled). If 0, idle sessions are never expired.
ssl_enable true
Indicates whether SSL is enabled.
ssl_private_key path Specifies the path to the SSL private key.
ssl_server_certificate path Specifies the path to the SSL certificate.
zstd_default_compression_level integer Specifies the default zstd compression level.

For example:

RS_ARGS: --ssl_enable=true --ssl_private_key=/path/in/pod/to/key --ssl_server_certificate=/path/in/pod/to/cert --idle_session_timeout=0 --idle_query_timeout=0